Why GoSee Local Events Works For Organizers

Why GoSee Local Events Works For Organizers
28 May 2024 12:01 PM

Why GoSee Local Events Works For Organizers



 With the Organizer Profile Page, organizers can showcase a public profile page that lists all their active events and add YouTube and Vimeo videos for attendees to access virtual events or watch pre-recorded content. The system also allows organizers to create blog posts and pages to improve their brand awareness and search engine optimization.


Organizers can create sub-accounts for their staff, including Managers, Point-of-Sale operators, and Scanners. Each sub-account has limited access to specific tasks, such as booking management, ticket scanning, and sales.


GoSee Local Events enables organizers to host online and virtual events with compatibility for popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. The system provides a one-stop solution to publish, promote, and successfully execute events. Organizers can also customize event frequency, including skipping months in a series of repetitive schedules.


The checkout process is streamlined, allowing organizers to sell out events and maximizing customer retention. Customers receive an auto-generated PDF ticket with a unique QR code after purchasing. The system supports various booking configurations to accommodate different event needs, such as free, paid, or ticket quantity-limited events.


Organizers can track their event revenue, earnings, and monthly payouts using the Organizer Dashboard, which provides real-time updates on sales activities. The system also restricts customers from purchasing multiple tickets and allows organizers to add unlimited event tags, such as speakers, sponsors, and hosts, for customers to learn more about the event.


With Stripe Connect integration, organizers receive their event earnings directly to their bank accounts, while the system commission is paid directly to the admin. The integrated Ticket Scanner allows for quick and efficient ticket validation at the event entrance.


The system also supports various additional features, such as reserved seating arrangements, clone event functionality, MailChimp integration, booking emails with attached PDF tickets and invoices, a quick checkout process, Google Maps integration for event locations, discount promo codes, and short event URLs. Organizers can also create private, password-protected events for a more


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